Richcraft Homes

Website Development

For more than ten years, Machine and Richcraft Homes have been working together successfully, achieving impressive goals. Our partnership reached an exciting point when Richcraft not only approved the development of the third version of their website but also trusted us to bring their great design ideas to life.

The result? We transformed their website into a sleek, modern platform with a user-friendly feature that makes finding homes super easy. This upgrade makes browsing enjoyable for people looking to buy homes, helping them find what they want more easily.

But our involvement didn’t stop with the website launch. We’re here for the long run, taking care of Richcraft Homes’ website hosting with a server that keeps their websites running smoothly 24/7/365.

We’re not just the people who launched their website; we’re also the team that continues to help them. Whether it’s making small changes to the website or assisting with their other digital projects, we’re here to support them every step of the way.

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Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

Website Redesign and Development


Application Strategy, Design, Development, and Maintenance

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